24 May 2020 – Day 59

I received an email from our friend Marion on Saturday after she read my story about Eugene falling out of the tree:

Your story today reminded me that my kids (both now parents themselves) have not yet forgiven me for putting the pet dead rabbit in the deepfreeze to give to the gardener!

I thought that was really funny, and it also brought back a ‘rabbit’ memory of my own.

Eugene and Francois are both very entrepreneurial; and always have been. They were forever finding new ways of making money. They were probably in late primary school when they came up with a scheme to breed rabbits for the pot. The only deal from the parents’ side with any of their schemes was that it would be their full responsibility. So, they set about building the enclosure and got the rabbits, and before long they were ready for the ‘market’. As a supportive parent I made an agreement with them; instead of chicken, I would buy meat from them at the price of chicken. Rabbit meat was quite a delicacy at the time and fetched rather high prices in supermarkets.

Even though they shared the work, Francois somehow always managed to wiggle out of the slaughtering part. One fine day Eugene had had enough and insisted that Francois take his turn. Unbeknown to them, I was watching through the kitchen window. There was Eugene, holding the hapless animal down over the chopping block, while Francois had to swing the axe. He bravely took the axe in both hands, lifted it high above his head and took careful aim. Then, just before the down swing he closed his eyes very tightly and brought the axe down. My heart missed a beat thinking what could’ve happened if he’d missed. Fortunately, it ended well, but Eugene was not happy; and he made sure his brother knew all about it! Eish, I sometimes wonder how we manage to eventually get them to adulthood in one piece…

Back to the present:

I found it interesting that according to a news23 report, Chief Justice Mogoeng encouraged citizens to challenge government decisions that they deem to be infringing on their rights.

Nelson Mandela
A well-known reminder, seen on Facebook this morning

The EFF has now joined the ranks of those calling for the continued ban on alcohol. Really? That, while more people have reportedly died from drinking home-brewed booze and the industry calls for the urgent reopening of trade.

51 Academics publicly pledged their support to Prof. Gray on Saturday, while she had been forbidden to speak to the media, pending an investigation into her conduct.

The wife of Eastern Cape mayor Khanyile Maneli died of COVID-19; she was 58 years old.

The President will be addressing the nation again tonight. I’ve already told Roger that I’d save the dishes for him to do during that time.

Number of known positive cases: 21 343

Number of deaths: 407