23 May 2020 – Day 58

We had a busy, but good day.

After our walk, breakfast and usual morning activities we drove out. We decided to tidy up the workshop and storeroom and for that Roger needed some bits and pieces in order to install some more shelves. So, first stop was at the hardware store. Next we went to the veggie shop in the Carreira Centre, Randburg. There was such a long queue, outside this time (remember last time when the police arrived?), that we made a U-turn and went on to our next stop, the butcher in Linden, before returning home. We will try the veggie shop again next week at a quieter time.

We started working on the storeroom first; carrying everything out, then deciding what needs to be kept and what needs to be more effectively stored/stacked. Roger installed more shelving and he will also be installing brackets to hold long items such as his fishing rods. We ran out of time so that will be done tomorrow.

Making shelves
Making shelves from off-cuts of previous shelving projects; not that easy without an adequate workshop, but there is always a way!

Since lockdown we’ve had more contact with the family than we would normally have. Everyone was always so busy going about their daily lives and we would have only occasional phone calls to catch up. Now we have daily chats, sharing food pics, jokes, music and life events and inspiring each other to try new things, mostly because all the guys are so competitive. For us as a family, it has been good. With more time, one also has the luxury of reminiscing and sharing long-forgotten memories. We are always told to slow down; to ‘stop and smell the roses’. But they are just words that we acknowledge. Now we are forced to do just that…

A Facebook advert for T-shirts. In my case, make it plural, i.e. 3 sons!

Number of known positive cases: 20 125

Number of deaths: 397