3 April 2020 – Day 8

It is another cold, rainy, miserable day. Very conducive to staying indoors and keeping warm. I realise that we need the rain and am thankful for it; I just don’t do so well when it is cold! I get very miserable and rather ratty.

I finished my serviettes-into-tablecloth crochet project’s panels yesterday. It all started when I decided to take a set of six serviettes from my mom’s linen after she passed away to turn them into a tablecloth. To achieve that I had to crochet strips that would join them together. I am not very experienced and do not have a ‘pattern’ as such; simply a diagram of the design which I got from a book. So, it was rather a challenge.

Crochet pattern
This is what I had to work from
Strips done
So far, so good

The biggest challenge now is to do the actual edging and joining. I have no idea whether it is going to work out or not, but I have spent considerable time and money getting this far and cannot give up now.

Tonight, we are cooking something new again. Roger has taken quite a keen interest in cooking; definitely a bonus. We always cook together but he is now starting to take initiative, coming up with ideas and trying new recipes.

And since our DSTV had been upgraded there is some catch-up viewing to be done.

I ended up not doing any exercise today, and not working on my crochet project either. Instead I spent time updating the blog with my diary entries.