29 March 2020 – Day 3

It is Sunday, quiet as Sundays usually are, but more so today. Even the Hadedas are taking a break it seems! At least with the good weather we could have breakfast on the patio, unlike yesterday which was windy, cold and miserable.

Whenever the weather is good I spend time on the patio

I saw a picture of some very apt graffiti on Facebook this morning: ‘You are not stuck at home; you are safe at home’.

Today my thoughts are along the lines of: ‘People are bemoaning 21 days of isolation, even though they have all their creature comforts and in most cases they have companions. Imagine spending 27 years in a 6.4 x 5.4 metre space!

Our WhatsApp family group works really well. Members post something every day, just to keep in touch. Today was different though. The banter started just after midday and continued throughout the afternoon. Videos, food pics, jokes, etc. It was fun, and above all it was real, unlike the continuous stream of ‘shared’ stuff one sees on social media. And of course it helps to pass the time!