30 May 2020 – Day 65

Roger’s microgreens are coming along nicely, as well as his other veggies. The containers are taking a bit longer than they should, but that is due to the limited sunlight hours in our small garden.


Eugene and Marlene are starting to suffer from cabin fever. So, they decided to camp out in their own garden tonight. When Roger heard that he phoned Mountain Sanctuary Park, which is very close to where they live, to check if they are open. They are not, but after chatting for a while and considering Roger’s suggestion, Stacy agreed that the park could do with some vegetation control, ‘if you have a permit for essential work’ which of course Eugene has. I hope he contacts them. Who knows, they may be camping sooner than the rest of us.

How cool is that!

I was very surprised to learn that the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport has tried out ‘disinfection’ tunnels at minibus taxi ranks. In fact, I was shocked. We are talking about people here, not cattle. Spraying people with chemicals, really?!

Number of known positive cases: 29 240

Number of deaths: 611